Spring into Moderation. Join the Self-guided Kickstart Course!

Latest Past Events

Oar Health Special Presentation

Join our friends from Oar Health about medication-assisted moderation. The presentation will include a case study, an overview of the science and evidence on medication for Alcohol Use Disorder, and a Q&A session. Join the Zoom meeting here. If asked, the Meeting ID is 874 4527 7407 and the Passcode is 736337.

Kickstart Monday Evening Meeting: 8:30 PM Eastern Time

Join fellow Kickstart members to check-in and discuss what tools and strategies are working for us and what we might be struggling with. If asked for a passcode, it is:738663 Full Zoom Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89107154121?pwd=MXNKTkhuN2crTXFTSktwQ0hWaHRRUT09