Kickstart Moderation Course Outline

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

What to Expect During Kickstart!

Finally! A course focused on the skills and strategies to successfully moderate your drinking without the endgame being total abstinence from drinking-unless that’s what you choose. Brought to you by Moderation Management (MM), the first and oldest support group for people who want to reduce their drinking.


*The only difference between the Kickstart Moderation Self-Guided Course and the Kickstart Moderation Team Program is the start time. The Self-Guided Course starts immediately after you register. Team Kickstart Programs begin on a set date so that participants experience an enhanced sense of community support.

Kickstart Moderation Team Program:

Team Kickstarts build a strong connection to community which we feel is invaluable at MM. Just like going to school, people who register for a Team Kickstart start the course on the same day and are presented each lesson on the same day as others on the Team. Lessons are not accessible until the scheduled first day of the Team Kickstart Course.

The Self-Guided Kickstart Moderation Course:

The Self-Guided Course allows you to begin learning moderation tools and strategies immediately and to learn at your own pace. Self-Guided Kickstart Moderation lessons are accessible upon registration.

Course Outline 


Section One: Establishing Your Starting Point-You can start taking steps to reduce your drinking at this point, if you want, but you don’t have to.)

Section Two: Creating Sustainable Change- How to reduce your drinking by sustainable steps on which you can build success.

Section Three: Habits, Triggers and Obstructions-How to deal with them without drinking

Section Four: What The Future Holds-How to make moderation your default lifestyle.

Each Course Section includes: 

Section Overview


Goals Checklist

5 Lessons: Each Lesson contains a lesson, tool, and skill.

Section Review

Kickstart/MM member story to inspire and encourage you.


There are occasional quizzes or surveys scattered throughout the course which must be completed before advancing to the next lesson. Don’t worry. You cannot fail the quizzes or the course. Information from the surveys help us to evaluate the effectiveness of the Kickstart Moderation Course and make changes to improve the course. 


Team Kickstart Course: Upon registration, you will receive a Welcome email. You will also receive invites to the weekly Kickstart meetings which will give you the opportunity to meet fellow Kickstart members, share your experiences and ask questions before the Team Kickstart begins. You will begin receiving the daily lesson reminders via email on the day the Team Kickstart begins and will receive the daily lesson reminders for 30 days. However, you do not have to wait to access the lessons through the links in the reminder emails, you can access the course at any time by going directly to the Kickstart Moderation Self-Guided Course

After the first 30 days, emails will discontinue but the lessons will be accessible for an additional 30 days.

Self-guided Kickstart Course: Upon registration, you will receive a Welcome email. You will also receive invititations to the weekly Kickstart meetings which will give you the opportunity to meet fellow Kickstart members, share your experiences and ask questions. Once you are registered, you will receive daily email reminders to complete lessons for 30 days. However, you do not have to wait to access the lessons through the links in the reminder emails, you can access the course at any time by going directly to the Kickstart Moderation Self-Guided Course

After the initial 30 days, the emails will stop but you will still have access to the course for an additional month. 

Private Kickstart Moderation Facebook Group:

*You must register For a Kickstart Moderation Course before joining the Kickstart Moderation Facebook group. You will receive a link to the private facebook group in the emails you receive after registration is complete.

At MM and Kickstart, we believe the real secret to success is our community of members. Most of us tried for years to make changes on our own and it wasn’t until we joined a community of people who were also striving to reduce their drinking, that we were able to make lasting changes. In the private Kickstart Moderation Course Facebook Group you will find kind, compassionate and non-judgemental support. Plus, you will be given the opportunity to strengthen your accountabilty and commitment by joining the daily and weekly rosters. Membership in the Kickstart Moderation Facebook group is permanent, we depend on former Kickstart Course participants to encourage and support new members as they also continue to receive  support themselves.  

For those of you who are not members of Facebook, please feel free to join one of MM’s other online communities such as the MM Forum or MMListserv. While these communities are not as Kickstart focused as the Kickstart Facebook group, you will find members who are happy to answer your questions and guide you in each of these communities. The advantage that the MM Forum and MMListserv have over the MM Kickstart Facebook group is that members enjoy a higher level of anonymity and security since members have the option to use fictitous usernames and no one has access to your personal information.


We encourage you to join fellow Kickstarters to share how your moderation journey is going and to discuss those tools and strategies at weekly Kickstart Zoom Meetings.  As a Kickstart Moderation member, you will be welcome at Kickstart meetings for the length of your membership. If you wish to continue to attend Kickstart meetings and special presentation, you are welcome to renew your membership. Please know that you are also welcome at any Moderation Management meeting at anytime, whether you are or have been a member of Kickstart Moderation.

What do you say? Are you ready to Kickstart Moderation?